mental indigestion

Vanilla’s Valentines Story January 31, 2008

Filed under: Kay poh recommendations — mel @ 3:06 pm


(Taken from Vanilla Magazine, Feb 2008, p.31)

Last December, I agreed to take on this “Love of a Lifetime” story assignment for the Valentine’s issue of Vanilla magazine. Even though it was smack during the Christmas period and I was really hoping to enjoy the precious work leave I had, I decided to take it on because well, I felt I could do with good marriage advice. Logistical nightmare aside, I had a great time listening to the stories  of these four couples (married between 6-50 years).  Also, this really beats 1960s Stepford Housewives type marriage prep classes hands down. Some snippets:

“I think the concept of ‘me’ should just disappear if one is planning to settle down.” – Tan Kong Wee

“Love is a decision, not a feeling.” – Raoul Sequeira

“It brings me joy when I see my husband just being himself, all happy and childlike.” – Sharon Han

“She has created so many beautiful memories for me.” – Han Kian Kwang

Do check out the story!


Random Bookshelf Break January 30, 2008

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 10:02 am


We’ve been moving in some of our our media – books, DVDs, CDs and such and yes it’s been pack, unpack, dust, dust, sneeze sneeze. Yesterday, while waiting for random late delivery guy to deliver more random chairs, we just sat down in front of bookshelf began slowly comparing our random categorizations and random overlaps of books (there are four The Litte Princes, two On the Roads, two Moulin Rouge soundtracks etc). Popped in a sleepy slow jazz CD (John Pizzarelli, who on usual days is kind of whiny, seemed just right for our frazzled minds) and before you know it, D. was fast asleep sprawled on the floor (that’s his sprawled feet you see in the picture) and I finally felt myself  being able to breathe slowly in a long while on a cutesy red plastic chair.Finally.


Vulnerable January 25, 2008

Filed under: Mopey mops — mel @ 7:16 am

It is the oft repeated story that soon after I yelp a bit about feeling too busy, my body starts giving way. A minor bout of flu (which D. also shared and now he’s coughy) I gleefully doused off with plenty of liang cha. Then these persistent stomach pains set in, which I initially thought was gastric, but now turns out to be a bladder infection and is turning out to be quite annoying.

The good news is, this crazy month’ busyness is tapering off. Things will slow down with the nitty-gritty of wedding/housing logistics done and lessons soon coming to a close. And even if they don’t, I am going to be more firm about getting myself to slow down. I have and will turn down all freelance writing assignments. I will not go for social things unless I really do feel up to it (in advance, apologies for whatever flakiness I might pull these next two months). I will take deep breaths and go for more long nature trail walks to clear my mind off on a more regular basis.

I do feel guilty whenever these body floppy things happen. I cannot put in my share of the work for D, my colleagues and my students. Ok another point to note: stop feeling guilty and just get well dammit.


Helloireallyshouldntbeblogging January 21, 2008

Filed under: Mopey mops — mel @ 8:46 pm









Security advice January 10, 2008

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 9:40 pm

The security guards are a chummy bunch, and over the last few months have said some strange things to me:

– “Why you never cover your laptop? Very expensive leh.”

– “Why you never play tennis anymore?”

– “Must book on Sunday midnight.” [for the high-in-demand tennis court which can only be booked within the same week]

– “How come your colleagues stay so near you?” [I cab-pool with two others in the condo next to mine]

– “Why you walk in the rain? Can get sick leh.”

– “Need one more. Give us more.” [When I gave them my leftover, rather expensive slices of chocolate salami roll from Valentino’s]

Actually, I realize this isn’t security advice at all…more like rather nosy interrogation (and a bit of greed). Incidentally, they have this HUGE resource book that contains everything from maid agencies to Chinese tuition teachers.

And I am just writing this to distract myself from the fact that everything has been fast forwarding the minute 2008 peeked round the corner.



Hugh’s a hit! January 6, 2008

Filed under: Inspiration — mel @ 10:27 am

[Warning: Lao lao groupie alert]

I used to bemoan the fact that they don’t make men like Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire anymore – male performers who could prance around and carry a tune and act without the use of swinging chandeliers or collapsing helicopters or dressing up as an animal/puppet to get attention on stage (and be just as enigmatic on screen).

I take my words back (albeit a little late). They both have reincarnated and returned in the form of one man – Hugh Jackman. Now does this Aussie dag get Broadway or what. In this opening act of the 2004 Tony Awards ceremony, you can also check out his impossibly yoga-like high kicks to “One Night Only”. Hubba.

He’s also Wolverine for some blokey credibility.

Hubba hubba.


Wanted: A nice-looking lunch, not like this one here January 3, 2008

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 7:54 pm

2nd Jan 2008

After countless pairs of mouldy wooden chopsticks, an MSG overload, a cockroach scare and first/second hand accounts of upset tummies, I decided that I had enough of hazardous canteen food and would bring my own work lunch this year.

What you see here is grey pesto pasta with capsicums and a sprinkling of (bottled) herbs. Its drabby demeanor is not due to my bad cooking, but this is actually twirly pasta made of buckwheat (gluten-free! wheat free!) , which I later discovered, makes you go to the toilet in a good way (if you know what I mean).

However, it’s really quite bland. So I had some chocolate after that.

Which I guess, overall, is still better than canteen food.

However, I so need to think of a better work lunch menu if I hope to carry this on long term. Ideas, anyone?


A new approach to New Year’s resolutions January 1, 2008

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 5:19 pm

22 Dec 2007 (b)

So while I resolved to take a photo a day, I only managed to snap 115 out of the targetted 365 images. The rest of my 2006 resolutions have generally gone along the same direction as this partially accomplished photo project and so I don’t think I would want to be too specific about what I hope to achieve in the year ahead.

I happily stumbled upon Douglas Coupland’s NY Times blog (great read! cool pics!) and here’s a quote which aptly summarizes my  generalish direction for 2008:

It’s about getting older and watching opportunities vanish and realizing you have to hustle or you’re going to be stuck in Loserland the rest of your life. 

So here’s to more hustling (in moderate, legal amounts with sufficient sleep included) in the year ahead!