mental indigestion

Shalala December 28, 2007

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 10:12 pm

28th Dec 2007

So yes, it’s been the season of meeting many, many people. And I have been getting increasingly cranky, especially with yesterday’s killer schedule of a painful doctor’s visit, meeting 4 different groups of people (fun but blurry), getting bathroom fixtures and assorted textiles and yelling at bohchap sales people. Today was the time for much-needed winding down and I went to visit (finally after dunno how many years of weshouldmeets) my primary school friend Woollendrums. We spent a quiet afternoon eating yummy Eastern hawker food and witnessing her 16-month-old daughter perform impressive baby stunts like recognizing written words and snorting with disdain after a good poop.

A short recap of Sher for my reference:

Mid 1980s: Lower primary days: She cried when the school nurse told her she had to wear glasses. But later, she came to class wearing some funky pink (or blue?) specs and I felt envious and deliberately read in dim light so as to be four-eyed too. Upper primary: we were in the same group and formed some kind of water bottle gang. We sincerely thought our liquid storage units were real people.

Late 80s to early 90s: Wrote letters regularly to each other on cute Japanese stationery. Tried to copy her handwriting which was/is super duper cutesy and neat lor.

1996-1997: We ended up being sort-of JC classmates and I remember she really tried to help me deal with teengage angst by bringing me back to church/God and directly/indirectly helping me find my ground again sort of.

1998-2007: Randomly bump into each other in assorted places. Randomly stumble upon each other’s blogs.

So as much as I have had an overdose of humans, it was nice to meet the GSS (Ger, Sher and Sha) unit.


Say “ahhhhhhhhhh” December 25, 2007

Filed under: Whee! — mel @ 10:07 pm

Camwhoring lesson #1

I had half the mind to put this picture up since the unflattering angle so blatantly zooms in on my double chin. However, Nate doing “The Lion” was just too cute to pass up. Aunty Godpa loves you!


Listmaker I am not December 22, 2007

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 10:44 am

21 Dec 2007 (a)

I usually pride myself on managing my “Things to do” list pretty ok (what with the anal Time Management course I attended circa 2004) but now I am simply getting confused all the time. I realise I need to have 4 different lists now in the following categories – work, house, wedding and personal stuff. They are all kind of overlapping and I am getting very very confused.

I bought my Christmas thingamajigs in dribs and drabs simply because my present list was scribbled in assorted places and I forgot where I wrote them. Please forgive me if you think I bought you a really crap present or I forgot to buy you one.

The wedding to-do list seems very intimidating to consolidate. My evening gown is undergoing a sudden revamp, there is maybe a sort-of photoshoot happening after all and there is much haggling/logistics to be settled in the coming weeks, some of which I am probably unaware of at the moment.

California dude Thoeng was in town a few days ago with his gal Suki and I was particularly impressed with their extensive 2-point font list of “Things to eat/places to visit” in Singapore – they even indicated the number of times they had eaten a particular dish and where they had partaken of the food . I guess there is some good in learning accountancy after all.


Growing Pains December 6, 2007

Filed under: Life in general — mel @ 4:46 pm

It’s been about 2 years of being surrounded by youths who do strange things, and other than feeling rather old in their company, I also have started to think about my younger days. And boy, was I a funny creature too.

No gory details here, but to sum up my follies:

Too much $$ spent onĀ  pass-it-on cards. Too many “Stay cool and funky! Friends forever!” sign-offs.

Oh, what desire for acceptance and delusion can do to a person’s level of judgement and sincerity.