mental indigestion

Writing Process Blog Tour May 19, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — mel @ 9:00 am


I was looped into this blog tour (my first one!) by Anna Tan, a literary blogger from Malaysia. I’m from Singapore, so I regard her as a neighbor of sorts! We got acquainted virtually through the Blogging from A to Z Challenge two years ago, but I almost feel like she’s a real friend because she’s so darn nice, you know? Incidentally, she’s also the editor of this colourful anthology of stories called “Love in Penang”, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading because of the variety of voices captured by the different authors.


Here’s Anna!


Ok, so let me answer the stipulated questions.


What am I working on?


Right now I’m working on a children’s book series titled The Adventures of Alien Squirky. There’ll be six books, and there’ll be some really adorable illustrations done by David Liew, an incredibly talented illustrator. It’s my first time writing children’s books, and I have to admit, it’s been a real steep learning curve!


How does my work differ from others in its genre?


The Adventures of Alien Squirky is a children’s book specifically for young adoptees. As an adoptive parent of a two-year-old boy, I’ve been reading a few adoption books for children and thought it’d be nice to have an adoption book featuring a Singaporean family and um, space travel.



Why do I write what I do?


I hope that The Adventures of Alien Squirky will be a source of encouragement for my son when he reaches that stage in life when he starts asking about his origins and birth parents. I may not have all the answers for him, but I will support his search.


It’s also a way to hopefully get more people more open-minded about adoption – it’s still a rather taboo and misunderstood topic in this part of the world.


How does my writing process work?

Randomly. I go on a hunch with a name or colour or phrase and see where the story will take me. I really enjoy this exploration – there is almost this sense of liberation from that burdened, logical, to-do-lists part of my brain.


After that, I edit it like crazy (that part is a little more arduous and procrastination tends to creep in sometimes). Once that’s done, I show my work to a few trusted writer friends, get their feedback, mull over things, and then edit like crazy again.


Meanwhile, I’ve tagged these four lovely ladies to join the blog hop next week! They are all mummy bloggers from Singapore who write beautifully and have such a lovely attitude towards life. I’m sure you’ll enjoy their company!


Lyn Lee from Little Blue Bottle

“Thoughts collide often in my mind, and it’s a form of release to get them out somewhere, if not on paper. I chronicle moments in my children’s lives so as not to forget. Both the sweet and the bittersweet. Because remembering is also a way of learning. This mum enjoys reading, scrapbooking and yodelling.”



Grace Ma from Little Happy Ideas

“Officially, I am a mom and a freelance writer. Unofficially, I’m a hoarder collector of pretty washi tape, paper, stickers and vintage embellishments…in between educating (“Go learn 100 Chinese proverbs!”) and entertaining (“Go fold the clothes, clean the table and wash the toilet!”) these young ‘uns, I find my own space such as hiding in the storeroom to drink bubble tea and pasting paper in the middle of the night.”



Deborah Gifford from Owls Well Blogs

“Debs is a Sunda Scops Owl who married a nice British Barn Owl and is raising a pair of hungry young owlets in a highrise tree in Singapore. Debs is a trained medical professional who is currently training to be A Parent. Debs also blogs about her adventures abroad at Owl Fly Away.”


Dorothea Chow from A Pancake Princess

“This blog is where I share my experiences as a mother, wife, friend, daughter, and Princess of God. I love staying home with my two little boys, David and Daryl, and doing all sorts of crafts with them, baking sweet treats for loved ones and scrapbooking precious memories. Right now, our days are filled with artistic messes, lego houses, horsey rides and lots of reading. We also have a dwarf bunny, Tudy, whom we love very much.”


Imaginary Friends Giveaway on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog! May 13, 2014


The lady who introduced me to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge two years ago, Damyanti, wrote a post about the Imaginary Friends book launch over at the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge blog. It is a really sweet gesture; I was just chuffed she was able to come for the launch, but D. told me she also wanted to support the book in whatever way she could.

Beyond this, Damyanti has been instrumental in inspiring me to write creatively outside of my freelance writing work. Like a literary agony aunt, she’d dismiss all my petty writer insecurities (but not in a condescending way), while also coming up with some really fun writing prompts that we’d do for fun over tea. Her dedication to the craft, and also, her breathtaking writing, have taught me so much even though we don’t meet often.

I’m doing a little giveaway with her post. It is only fitting as without her and Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, these stories would never have come about. Do pop over there and leave a comment 🙂